

Always a strong team on site

5 locations
400+ employees
ø 15 years with the company

Addresses of the locations:

EQQO Head Office
Dieselstr. 14
48485 Neuenkirchen
Phone: 05973 94 99 0

EQQO Süd (formerly Steidel GmbH Industrie- u. Städtereinigung)
Degernpoint N2
85368 Moosburg an der Isar
Phone: 08761 2291

EQQO Mitte (formerly TECHWA Industriedienstleistung GmbH)
Bunsenstraße 17
34466 Wolfhagen
Phone: 05692 7507

EQQO Milieu B.V. (formerly Boon en Pijlman Mileu BV)
Bedrijvenpark Twente 350
7602 KL Almelo
Phone: 0546 577 919

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